Hard Red Spring Wheat Seed

AAC Concord

Meridian Seeds Exclusive
PVP Protected

High-yielding and sawfly resistant with a fully solid stem, awnless heads, and moderate protein.

Agronomic Profile
AAC Concord
Plant Height (inches)26
Test Weight (lb/bu)53.1
Grain Yield (bu/ac)36.3
Protein (%)16.9
Saw Fly Cutting (0-9)*0.0

AAC Concord data source: Montana spring wheat variety performance evaluations 2022 pg.27.

* 0-9 Scale: 0 = low cutting, 9 = severe cutting

Agronomic Profile
AAC Concord
Plant Height (inches)26
Test Weight (lb/bu)53.1
Grain Yield (bu/ac)36.3
Protein (%)16.9
Saw Fly Cutting (0-9)*0.0

AAC Concord data source: Montana spring wheat variety performance evaluations 2022 pg.27.

* 0-9 Scale: 0 = low cutting, 9 = severe cutting

Disease Package


Area of Best Adaptation
Reserve your spring wheat seed today
Katie Heid, Sales Director | Meridian Seeds
Katie Heid
Sales Director
Blake Brawley, Western Territory Manager | Meridian Seeds
Blake Brawley
Western Territory Manager
Wendy Muchow, Business Manager | Meridian Seeds
Wendy Muchow
Business Manager