Hard Red Spring Wheat Seed

MS Barracuda

Meridian Seeds Exclusive

Great yield and protein all in one package! Early maturity and excellent standability with broad adaptability.

Agronomic Profile
MS Barracuda
Days to Heading42
Plant Height (inches)24
Lodging Score*1
Test Weight (lb/bu)59.5

MS Barracuda data source: NDSU Spring Wheat Variety Trial, Minot, North Dakota (2022).

* 1-9 scale: 1=no lodging; 9=completely lodged

Agronomic Profile
MS Barracuda
Days to Heading42
Plant Height (inches)24
Lodging Score*1
Test Weight (lb/bu)59.5

MS Barracuda data source: NDSU Spring Wheat Variety Trial, Minot, North Dakota (2022).

* 1-9 scale: 1=no lodging; 9=completely lodged

Disease Package


Area of Best Adaptation
Reserve your spring wheat seed today
Katie Heid, Sales Director | Meridian Seeds
Katie Heid
Sales Director
Blake Brawley, Western Territory Manager | Meridian Seeds
Blake Brawley
Western Territory Manager
Wendy Muchow, Business Manager | Meridian Seeds
Wendy Muchow
Business Manager
Wendy Muchow, Business Manager | Meridian Seeds
Andy Draeger
President & CEO