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Cover crop seed, forage crop seed and lawn grass seed
Meridian Seeds is dedicated to providing the high-quality seed you need. We offer a wide selection of crops and varieties to match varying climate and customer requirements, and we are always adding more. Contact us today for more information about the cover crop, forage crop and lawn grass seed listed below — or if you require seed you don’t see on our site. We’re here to help.

Cover Crops
Austrian Winter Pea
Field Pea
Forage Pea
Pasja Hybrid Brassica
Purple Top Turnip
Soil Buster Radish
Daikon Forage Radish
Sugar Beet
Dwarf Essex Rape
Forage Chicory
Stockford Hay Barley
Grain Sorghum
Piper Sudangrass
Pearl Millet
Siberian Millet
German Millet
Sorghum Sudangrass
White Proso Millet
Hairy Vetch
Sunny Hemp
Yellow Sweet Clover
Medium Red Clover
Lawn Grass Blends
60% Elite Bluegrass
30% Fineleaf Perennial Ryegrass
10% Improved Fine Fescue
Executive Shady
35% Improved Fine Fescue
35% Shade Tolerant Bluegrass
30% Fineleaf Perennial Ryegrass
Classic Shade/Sun
35% Kentucky Bluegrass
35% Creeping Red Fescue
30% Fineleaf Perennial Ryegrass
Premium Sunny
60% Kentucky Bluegrass
30% Fineleaf Perennial Ryegrass
10% Creeping Red Fescue
Forage Crops
Berseem Clover
This annual clover is used throughout the Midwest in soil building mixtures because of its nitrogen producing characteristics. When planted early it can give more than one cutting and is a low bloat forage when used for grazing.
Forage Barley
Spring hooded barley with smooth or semi smooth awn surface. Harvest at soft dough.
BMR Sweething Hybrid Sorghum Sudan
The Brown Midrib gene reduces the lignin content in this hybrid, for increased fiber digestion in livestock. With nearly 20% increase in feed value.
Sweething, Hybrid Sorghum Sudangrass
A fast growing highly palatable hybrid that produces a sweet, leafy, fine stemmed plant for high feed value.
BMR Sweetie Hybrid Forage Sorghum
A brown midrib sugar-sweet “cane type” forage that livestock relish.
Gem-X, Hybrid Pearl Miller
Gem X has a massive root system that enables it to stand up to heat and drought, particularly on light soils.
Pea-Oat Mix
This high quality, high yielding blend contains 60% peas and 40% oats.
Piper Sudangrass
This annual forage is low in prussic acid content and has good drought and disease tolerance with good regrowth after pasturing.
Winter Triticale
A Cross between wheat and rye. It produces excellent forage, especially on marginal soils with nitrogen present.
Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass
Annual ryegrass that establishes easily and responds well to intensive grazing. It produces best under good fertility with adequate moisture. It stays green late into fall.
Italian Ryegrass, Forage Type
Due to its rapid establishment, quick regrowth and prolonged growth into fall, Italian ryegrass is an excellent forage. It does not go to seed the establishment year. Works well as a cover crop for establishing alfalfa.
TagTeam® LCO
Seed Treatments
Clariva® Complete Beans
CruiserMaxx® Beans with Vibrance™
CruiserMaxx® Vibrance® Cereals