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Canterra Seeds Canola

CS2800 CL

Meridian Seeds Exclusive

Full-season Clearfield® hybrid swathing variety with excellent lodging resistance.

Agronomic Profile
CS2800 CL
Herbicide Tolerance
Days to MaturityLong
Plant Height (inches)Medium tall
Shatter Rating*4

Data gathered from company website. and 2022 Small Plots Breeder Trials.

* Rating score provided by company based on scale developed by the Canola Council of Canada. 1=High Shatter Risk, 9=Low Shatter Risk.

Agronomic Profile
CS2800 CL
Herbicide Tolerance
Days to MaturityLong
Plant Height (inches)Medium tall
Shatter Rating*4

Data gathered from company website. and 2022 Small Plots Breeder Trials.

* Rating score provided by company based on scale developed by the Canola Council of Canada. 1=High Shatter Risk, 9=Low Shatter Risk.

Percent of Average Yield* (Domain 2022 Pitura Seeds)
Disease Package
R-AFGR; 1st and 2nd Gen.

** Understanding Blackleg Resistance Classifications.

† Number and letter combinations indicate resistance to those pathotypes used in the Canadian Clubroot Differential Set.

Blackleg icon
Clubroot icon

CANTERRA SEEDS was founded by nine Canadian seed growers and is a farmer-owned company to this day. They offer one of the broadest seed portfolios in Western Canada, cultivated through local investments in plant breeding, access to a global network of germplasm and traits, and a steadfast belief that farmers deserve the best. They have strategic partnerships around the world, and varieties tested locally across Western Canada.

These canola hybrids offer the traits you want and genetics you need. Look for these Yield Stamps to identify canola hybrids that provide extra protection to maximize your canola yield.


Enhanced protection against pod shatter for superior straight cut performance.

Straight Cut icon

Straight Cut

Suitable for delayed swathing or straight cutting, based on timing and harvest conditions.

Clubroot icon


Additional genes to protect against clubroot in high-risk zone.

Blackleg icon


Bred to have resistance to multiple races of blackleg.

DL Seeds
DL Seeds tests and develops premium canola hybrid varieties for North America.

Clearfield Production System
Clearfield and the unique Clearfield symbol are registered trade-marks of BASF Agrochemical Products B.V.; used with permission by BASF Canada Inc.

Reserve your Meridian canola seed today
Katie Heid, Sales Director | Meridian Seeds
Katie Heid
Sales Director
Blake Brawley, Western Territory Manager | Meridian Seeds
Blake Brawley
Western Territory Manager
Wendy Muchow, Business Manager | Meridian Seeds
Wendy Muchow
Business Manager
Wendy Muchow, Business Manager | Meridian Seeds
Andy Draeger
President & CEO